How to make updates based on score? [help] (11)
Navmesh and pathfinding [help] (10)
Sine and Cosine for animation or movement and maybe other stuff [tutorials] (4)
Creating a "Text" Flash Template for CasparCG [help] (3)
Collision not working [help] (6)
How to make a movable entity [help] (3)
Hello World didn't run - configuration error I presume [help] (3)
Accessing Entities through World [help] (11)
Fire Rate, and Checking Inputs [help] (6)
Sentry Knight: Conquest [creations] (7)
Phoenotopia (Zelda-like 2D side scrolling RPG) ( 2 3 4 ) [games] (62)
How to offset the position of a clipping mask? [help] (2)
My FlashPunk 2 Beta (because of stage3D support) ( 2 ) [flashpunk] (22)
So I found a simple song manager, how to improve it? [help] (2)
Annoying weird error came out of nowhere [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Most efficient way to do some things [help] (3)
Add child alternative? ( 2 ) [help] (26)
G4tes [WIP] Feedback Wanted [flashpunk] (3)
[SOLVED]Swf select frame [help] (6)
IDE Compile Error [help] (4)
How does Class Path work [help] (5)
Can you have two worlds open at the same time ? And performance question [help] (12)
Aligning added background with Y parallax is confusing me ( 2 ) [help] (27)
Texture packer flashpunk atlas class? [help] (4)
[SOLVED] Modifying nearestToEntity() to nearestCircleToCircle [help] (18)
Flashpunk Discussion [flashpunk] (7)
Screen Scale and Stage [help] (4)
[Prototype] The Unspawned [feedback] (6)
Get player coordinate inside the world class [help] (7)
Play an entire animation with a single button press [help] (10)