Splitting the screen in identical smaller screens [help] (11)
Super Custom Warrior (Finally Released) [games] (1)
[Solved, yes there are]Are there any special considerations of FP.world.collideRect that I should know about before I commit to using it in my implementation? [help] (16)
Another FlashPunk GUI Library (FPGUI) [creations] (3)
Sound2D Class (Demo and Source) [feedback] (5)
Visualization; Thoughts? [games] (6)
(SOLVED) Having a difficult time centering some text [help] (4)
A single entity with multiple collision types. (a sword is both collision type "damaging" and collision type "impassable") [help] (3)
Turning from Preloader->Main->1stWorld like 2 frames of grey screen[solved] [help] (11)
Preloader Not Appearing Until 100% Loaded [SOLVED] [help] (5)
[SOLVED] Creating Bullets with an Array [help] (7)
[Fixed but not solved] MultiVarTween doesn't seem to be altering my values [help] (2)
[Solved it myself again, sorry!] Multivartween Problems: "Error: The Object does not have the property..." [help] (3)
What is the best approach to swap between areas in a game? [help] (5)
[Solved, I'm a fool] Memory leak narrowed down to 1 line of code [help] (1)
Sprite Atlas in FlashPunk [help] (10)
How do I create a catapult mechanic for a launch game? [help] (7)
John's Epic Megathread Of Confusion & Tomfoolery ( 2 3 ) [help] (59)
FP and MovieClip layer problem[SOLVED] [help] (3)
Is there a way to flip a GraphicList? [help] (4)
Getting project from Flash Develop to mobile.. mainly.. iOS [help] (7)
[SOLVED] Can I split a tilemap/grid in half? [help] (2)
What happened to the setRegion()? [help] (13)
How to check a player's bottom was collided a platform? [help] (5)
Change sfx's playback position? [help] (4)
There should be a new gamejam ( 2 ) [flashpunk] (27)
Detect if an entity of the same type is above itself within a certain range? [help] (4)
Side Scroller... with guns [creations] (16)
Use of memory rises without explanation [help] (5)
Flash player never plays embedded sounds in my swfs(even on web) [help] (8)