How to check a player's bottom was collided a platform?

(meishijie) #1

How to check a player’s bottom was collided a platform?

(Red Ligot) #2

Have you tried using collidePoint?

(Zachary Lewis) #3

Use Hitboxes and the collide() function.

(TaylorAnderson) #4

Something that kinda messed me up a lot when I first started using Flashpunk was that if you just check for ground collisions with collide(“level”, x, y) the collision doesnt fire all the time, which can mess up other code for jumping and stuff like that, so its always a good idea to use collide(“level”, x, y+1) if you wanna check for whether or not your player is on the ground.

(billy2000) #5

Also try using MoveBy() function …it helps alot for platformers