Hyas. After my game finishes loading i switch to main and then to my 1st world.At preloader everything is black ,on 1st world ,when it begins everything is black.But when the game switches between preloader and world i get like 1-3 frames of grey screen.I’m using flash develop and i tried to change background color to #000000(or any other color) but i still get same thing.Also tried FP.screen.color = 0x000000;
but still nothing.Is there any way to solve this?
Turning from Preloader->Main->1stWorld like 2 frames of grey screen[solved]
You should post your code for the preloader/main/your-world classes so we can check if something is wrong there (maybe in the way you load your world class).
Ok so here is the preloader:
public dynamic class Preloader extends MovieClip
private var ready:Boolean = false;
private var clipCounter:int = 0;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/logoAndTransition/BlkTrans.png")]private const TRANSBLK:Class;
private var transBlk:Bitmap = new TRANSBLK();
//button and cursor
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/crsOpen.png")]private const CRSOPEN:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/crsPoint.png")]private const CRSFINGER:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/btnOverPlay.png")]private const BTNOVERP:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/btnPlay.png")]private const BTNNORMP:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/btnPressPlay.png")]private const BTNPRESS:Class;
private var btnplayNorm:Bitmap = new BTNNORMP();
private var btnplayOver:Bitmap = new BTNOVERP();
private var btnplayPress:Bitmap=new BTNPRESS();
private var btnPlay:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var down_:Boolean = false;
private var colPlay:Boolean = false;
private var canPlay:Boolean = false;
private var cursorFinger:Bitmap = new CRSFINGER();
private var cursorOpen:Bitmap = new CRSOPEN();
private var cursor:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var stateBtnPlay:String = "not";
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/Piece.swf")]private const PIECESWF:Class;
private var pieceSwf:MovieClip;
private var beginFinishAnims:Boolean = false;
private var pieceSPD:Number = 0;
private const backgroundColor:uint = 0x000000;
//loadding bar stuff
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/layer1.png")]private const EFILL:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/layer2.png")]private const FFILL:Class;
[Embed(source = "../Assets/preloader/layer3.png")]private const BAR:Class;
private var eFill:Bitmap = new EFILL();
private var fFill:Bitmap = new Bitmap;
private var bar:Bitmap = new BAR();
private var ratio:Number = 0;
private var eCont:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var fCont:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var bSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
//for loading bar to work
// Source and buffer information.
private var _source:BitmapData;
private var _sourceRect:Rectangle;
private var _buffer:BitmapData;
private var _bufferRect:Rectangle;
private var _bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap;//fFill
public function Preloader()
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, progress);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cursorBehavior);
//adding cursor
cursor.scaleX = cursor.scaleY = 2;
cursor.x = mouseX;
cursor.y = mouseY;
//adding swfs
pieceSwf = new PIECESWF();
pieceSwf.scaleX = pieceSwf.scaleY = 2;
pieceSwf.x = 570;
pieceSwf.y = 443;
//add loadding bar
eFill.scaleX = eFill.scaleY = fFill.scaleX = fFill.scaleY = bar.scaleX = bar.scaleY = 2;
eFill.x = fFill.x = bar.x = 130;
eFill.y = fFill.y = bar.y = 400;
// render background
graphics.beginFill(backgroundColor, 1);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
//progress bar stuff next 3 functions
private function theFill(source:*) :void
//give valors
//var source:Bitmap = fFilll();
var clipRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
clipRect.height = fFill.height;
_source = FP.getBitmap(source);
_sourceRect = _source.rect;
if (clipRect)
if (!clipRect.width) clipRect.width = _sourceRect.width;
if (!clipRect.height) clipRect.height = _sourceRect.height;
_sourceRect = clipRect;
private function createBuffer():void
_buffer = new BitmapData(_sourceRect.width, _sourceRect.height, true, 0);
_bufferRect = _buffer.rect;
//added by me 3 line
_sourceRect.width = 0;
_buffer.fillRect(_bufferRect, 0);
_buffer.copyPixels(_source, _sourceRect, FP.zero, null, null);
fFill.bitmapData = _buffer;
private function updateBuffer(clearBefore:Boolean = false):void
if (clearBefore) _buffer.fillRect(_bufferRect, 0);
_buffer.copyPixels(_source, _sourceRect, FP.zero, null, null);
private function cursorBehavior(e:Event):void
//cursor on top
stage.setChildIndex(cursor, stage.numChildren - 1);
//cursor movement
cursor.x = mouseX-5;
cursor.y = mouseY;
//play button animation and cursor when touch btn
private function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
down_ = true;
private function onMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void {
down_ = false;
public function colPlayFunction(e:Event):void
if (mouseX > btnPlay.x-5 && mouseX < btnPlay.x + btnPlay.width && mouseY > btnPlay.y && mouseY < btnPlay.y + btnPlay.height) {
colPlay = true;
if (down_) {
canPlay = true;
//change images
btnPlay.setChildIndex(btnplayPress, 2);
btnplayOver.alpha = 0;
btnplayNorm.alpha = 0;
btnplayPress.alpha = 1;
//cursor image
cursorOpen.alpha = 0;
cursorFinger.alpha = 1;
else {
//change images
btnPlay.setChildIndex(btnplayOver, 2);
btnplayOver.alpha = 1;
btnplayNorm.alpha = 0;
btnplayPress.alpha = 0;
//cursor image
cursorOpen.alpha = 0;
cursorFinger.alpha = 1;
if (canPlay)
else {
colPlay = false;
canPlay = false;
//change images
btnPlay.setChildIndex(btnplayNorm, 2);
btnplayOver.alpha = 0;
btnplayNorm.alpha = 1;
btnplayPress.alpha = 0;
//cursor image
cursorOpen.alpha = 1;
cursorFinger.alpha = 0;
private function progress(e:Event):void
//loadding bar
if (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded <= loaderInfo.bytesTotal)
ratio = loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
_sourceRect.width = (ratio) * 192;
// done loading?
if (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded >= loaderInfo.bytesTotal && !stage.hasEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED) && !beginFinishAnims)
//ready = true;
private function beginAnimsAndStuff():void
beginFinishAnims = true;
stage.addEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED, playAppear);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pieceFly);
private function playAppear(e:Event):void
if (fFill.y > 368) {
fFill.y -= 2;
else {
this.parent.removeEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED, playAppear);
//adding play button
stage.addChildAt(btnPlay, stage.numChildren - 1);
btnPlay.scaleX = btnPlay.scaleY = 2;
btnPlay.x = 136;
btnPlay.y = 440;
btnplayOver.alpha = 0;
btnplayNorm.alpha = 1;
btnplayPress.alpha = 0;
btnPlay.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, colPlayFunction);
btnPlay.mouseChildren = false;
fFill.alpha = 0;
private function pieceFly(e:Event):void
if (pieceSwf.y > -20) {
pieceSwf.y -= pieceSPD;
pieceSPD += 0.8;
else {
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pieceFly);
private function startup():void
// remove event listener(s)
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, progress);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
btnPlay.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, colPlayFunction);
//adding transition
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, transition);
transBlk.x = transBlk.y = 0;
transBlk.scaleX = transBlk.scaleY = 4;
transBlk.alpha = 0;
private function transition(e:Event):void
transBlk.alpha += 0.1;
if (transBlk.alpha >= 1) {
//remove rest event listeners
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cursorBehavior);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, transition);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pieceFly);
// remove all the children
var i:int = numChildren;
while (i --)
//remove the firkin swf allready!
// go to the main class
var mainClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("Main") as Class;
parent.addChild(new mainClass as DisplayObject);
// remove self
side note- the transition() function switch to main
here is main:
public class Main extends Engine
public function Main():void
super(320, 256, 60, true);//640 x 512
FP.screen.scale = 2;
FP.screen.color = 0x000000;
name = "Main";
override public function init():void
FP.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
//FP.screen.x = -135;
stage.align = "";
//FP.world = new Level(E.LEVEL1);
FP.world = new SwfPlayer();
override public function update():void
public function consoleEnable():void
if (Input.check(Key.I))
FP.console.toggleKey = Key.O;
And here is the next world:
public class SwfPlayer extends World
[Embed(source = "../Assets/logoAndTransition/NewSplash.swf")]private const NLOGO:Class;
private var swf:MovieClip;
private var logoNr:int = 0;
private var logoTimer:int = 0;
private var transState:String = "enter";//"enter"
private var trans_:Backdrop=new Backdrop(E.TITLEBKGR,false,false);
private var eTrans:Entity = new Entity;
private var backdrop_:Backdrop=new Backdrop(E.TITLEBKGR2,false,false);
private var eBackdrop:Entity = new Entity;
public function SwfPlayer()
eBackdrop.layer = 4;
//trans add
eTrans.layer = 0;
override public function update():void
private function behave():void
if (transState == "stay") return;
switch(transState) {
case "enter":
if (trans_.alpha > 0) {
trans_.alpha -= 0.1;
else {
transState = "beginSwfs";
trans_.alpha = 0;
case "beginSwfs":
FP.stage.frameRate = 30;
logoTimer = 120;
add(new SwfTransformer( 0, 0, logoTimer, NLOGO));
transState = "play1Swf";
case "play1Swf":
if (logoTimer > 0) logoTimer--;
else {
FP.stage.frameRate = 60;
transState = "be4leave";
case "be4leave":
transState = "leave";
case "leave":
if (trans_.alpha < 1) {
trans_.alpha += 0.05;
else {
transState = "finish";
trans_.alpha = 1;
FP.world = new TitleScreen();
Basically i just want to make that grey screen(that appears for 1-2 frames when i switch form preloader) black, but i don’t know how.
I changed everything was possible from main and tried to go to many other worlds but still the same thing.That takes me to the conclusion the only problem that could be here is preloader class.But also tried many things in preloader and couldn’t make it not do that grey screen. Also that grey screen look like the one when you get a error popup.But tried to run the game in debugger and release and still same problem.
i tried to do this at preloader in transition function:
var mainClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("Main") as Class;
parent.addChildAt(new mainClass as DisplayObject, 6);
In other words i tried to make main class to be over anything when it is set as child.
What happened it was really interesting.
As i used a cursor image in preloader, the cursor image stopped moving(not disappearing thought) and under
it, the grey background appears again for 2-3 frames and then it gets to black screen(the background of 1st world).And the cursor image remains there (over anything) for the rest of the game.
I hope those details help >.<.
-edit-[idk if it helps thought] If i make this(i forgot by mistake 1 line of code and used the other also):
var mainClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("Main") as Class;
parent.addChild(new mainClass as DisplayObject);
parent.addChildAt(new mainClass as DisplayObject, 7);
The grey background remains over
anything and does not disappear anymore after 1-3 frames.
so i tried some more stuff(basically anything that could get in my mind) and i did this code:
var mainClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("Main") as Class;
parent.addChild(new mainClass as DisplayObject);
If i put this code like this anything plays as it should(with grey screen 2 frames in it).But if i put the last line form commentary too the grey screen disappear but the screen remain black and the only time it shows something its when i play the logo witch is a MovieClip. That again takes me to the conclusion FP makes initially a grey screen witch is changed after to black. My question is ,if i am right(i’m not sure rly),how can i make FP use a black screen initially when i switch to my main.
PS:i already use the FP.screen.color = 0x000000;
in Public function Main()
.I have no idea how to do this >.<.THX
After you set FP.screen.color
add FP.screen.refresh()
The reason is that the screen buffer will be effectively filled with the specified color only in the next render step (take a look at Engine.render()
to see it for yourself).
Instead of an arbitrary number of calls to removeChildAt(1)
, do this:
while (parent.numChildren > 0)
Oh thx Sry didn’t answer .i wasn’t at computer until now XD.
Well that
was just for testing .
i use this to remove my children :
var i:int = numChildren;
while (i --)
Thx for help thought, u guys are the best