I was testing a game that I’m developing and noticed that my memory usage is rising really fast for some reason. Then I decided to create a very basic code to see what can cause the memory usage to rise. Look at this code:
public class MemoryTest extends Engine
public function MemoryTest()
super(1920, 1080, 60, false);
override public function init():void
FP.console.visible = true;
FP.screen.smoothing = true;
FP.world = new MemoryTestWorld();
public class MemoryTestWorld extends World
public function MemoryTestWorld()
It’s a code that has almost nothing right? I observe the use of memory in the falshpunk debug console itself, and with this code, my memory usage keeps rising, but very very slowly, something like 0.01mb every 30 seconds, but It keeps rising, and never drops.
Can anyone explain me why this is happening.