Spine FP Runtime [help] (11)
World Removal Memory Leak [help] (3)
[SOLVED] Make specific pixels of a sprite transparent [help] (7)
[SOLVED] Array Cloning: TypeError: Error #1034: [help] (4)
FlashPunk Logos, Media Kit, Splash, Animated SpriteMap [flashpunk] (8)
My new game Sides on FGL [games] (3)
Weird collide behavior --how collide("type",x,y) works? [help] (2)
[SOLVED] Falling Snow With Emitters [help] (5)
Input.pressed not firing every time [help] (8)
FlashPunk Basics [tutorials] (5)
Entities not colliding [help] (4)
The Best Way To Handle A Game With Multiple Animated Objects! [help] (5)
How to scale it from a different "center" [help] (8)
Objects Are Shaking When Camera Is Moving [help] (9)
Unable to Resolve "sound file" for Transcoding [help] (2)
CenterOO and rotating a image problem [help] (7)
I don't know anything about anything, but want help [help] (4)
Why trace not out in flashpunk 1.7.2 [flashpunk] (5)
Merge HaxePunk with FlashPunk? ( 2 3 4 ) [flashpunk] (67)
Working with multiple flashpunk swfs [help] (5)
Any problem with using fixed framerate? [help] (1)
Can i use flash punk with just adobe flash pro? [help] (2)
[SOLVED] Collisions Are Fired In All Objects At The Same Time [help] (9)
How ground rotated but hero and backdrop not ( like in this game) [help] (7)
Memory Increasing Slowly [help] (5)
Rotating an entity... problems [help] (6)
How to do effective split screening? [help] (5)
Java Heap Space, trying to configure flash develop [SOLVED] [help] (3)
Adding Entities From A Script [help] (9)
Physic engine recommendation (Nape) [help] (5)