Why trace not out in flashpunk 1.7.2

(reopucino) #1

helo guys… like my header, I just want to ask why trace function not come out using when I use flashpunk v = 1.7.2

because somethime I’m still using trace for know my scripting logic. I prefer used trace better than FP.log

(Mike Evmm) #2

Just to make sure, are you compiling in Debug mode?

(Martí Angelats i Ribera) #3

trace works fine for me. So it’s not a FP problem.

(Darrin) #4

I had trace fail when I had old versions of the flash SDK and flashdevelop. I updated everything and the problem went away.

(reopucino) #5

Yes… i try when using debug mode… that effect for trace??

@Darrin well, i will try to update my flash develop