I’m looking to do a Deep Copy of an Array like this. My Array is an Array of Entities called Squares. I’ve gotten the code to basically work but I’m getting error messages in FlashDevelop even though it does seem to copy.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@92d0d49 to net.flashpunk.Graphic.
Some people have said, “But you can still get the error #1034 for nested classes. You need register aliases for all nested classes to prevent this before making copy, for example in some startup method.”
The following code has no effect:
registerClassAlias("net.flashpunk.Graphic", net.flashpunk.Graphic);
This code gives an error:
registerClassAlias("net.flashpunk.Graphic", Graphic);
I saw one note on a forum that you can’t clone Display Objects. So how are you supposed to make a deep copy of an array?
Since the game compiles are runs should I just ignore it, even though it is going to bother the heck out of me.
private function clone(source:Object):*
var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
myBA.position = 0;
// Remove the word and moves down others
public function removeWord():void {
// Nothing to do if word is short. Defensive coding.
if (pressedArray.length < 3) {
// Make a copy of the pressed array
registerClassAlias("Square", Square);
replacementArray = clone(pressedArray) as Array;