Xml parsing doesn't work! (followed zachs tut) [help] (11)
How can I add enemies randomly? [help] (3)
How to do this properly? (physics and encapsulation etc) - Tiles from XML [help] (2)
Limiting the number of spawned items [help] (13)
Migrated forums to Digital Ocean [meta] (2)
Downscaling doesn't affect entities? [help] (3)
Help to finish a game [help] (5)
The Bear, the Cat and the Rabbit [games] (6)
Mochimedia Integration - How can i do it? ( 2 3 ) [help] (43)
Problem with Create(solved) [help] (8)
[Solved] Having a "Switch/Button" entity act on other entities [help] (3)
The Promised Land - A procedurally generated walking simulator [SHARECART1000] [games] (5)
Multiple image layers on an enity [help] (4)
Is there any tricks for making a tutorial level [help] (6)
Embedding Youtube video in FlashPunk [help] (1)
Draw.withCode or using Sprites? [help] (9)
[SOLVED] overwriteAlpha for curves [help] (5)
Pausing a game and resuming it [help] (7)
Installing FlashPunk [tutorials] (13)
Contributing to the Git [flashpunk] (7)
Best way for collision detection for lines? [help] (7)
Canvas.layer & Canvas.spritemap? [help] (3)
Camera following player jerky movement [help] (2)
Punkbutton not working properly? [help] (5)
Candy Copter now on Android! [creations] (11)
New entity stuck in grid - how to get positions? (SOLVED) [help] (10)
Non-grid-based collisions in Flashpunk [help] (3)
Security sandbox violation [help] (11)
Easiest way to get a TextField in my game? [help] (5)
Sending AS3 data to php [help] (2)