Hi. I have a gameworld class, and this is the code:
package { import net.flashpunk.Entity; import net.flashpunk.; import net.flashpunk.graphics.; import net.flashpunk.masks.; import net.flashpunk.utils.;
public class GameWorld extends World
protected var hero:Hero;
protected var map:Entity;
protected var background:Backdrop;
protected var _mapGrid:Grid;
protected var _mapImage:Image;
protected var _didLose:Boolean;
protected var _mapData:Class;
public function GameWorld(mapData:Class = null)
//Save our data
_mapData = mapData;
//Set initial conditions
_didLose = false;
if (mapData != null)
//Load the provided map file
//Create a debug map
_mapGrid = new Grid(1920, 1080, 120, 120, 0, 0);
_mapGrid.usePositions = true;
_mapGrid.setRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080, true),
_mapGrid.setRect(120, 120, 1900, 1070, false);
hero = new Hero(5, 5);
//Create an image based on the map's data and scale it accordingly
_mapImage = new Image(_mapGrid.data),
_mapImage.scale = 120;
//Create a map entity to render and check collisions with
map = new Entity(0, 0, _mapImage, _mapGrid);
/* Called when World is switched and set to the currently active world */
override public function begin():void
//Add the game entities to GameWorld
//No need to reference these entities again
override public function update():void
if (_didLose)
//The player hast lost
/* Add something here, like a game over text screen */
//When space is pressed, create a new GameWorld with the current map
if (Input.pressed(Key.SPACE))
FP.world = new GameWorld(_mapData);
//The player has not lost.... yet >:)
/* //Update the camera and screen to match the player
camera.x = hero.x - FP.screen.width * 0.5;
camera.y = hero.y - FP.screen.height * 0.5;
//Check the keyboard for updates and pass them to the player
handleInput(); */
//If the player collides with the map, trace
if (map.collideWith(hero, 0, 0))
if (!map.collideWith(hero, 0, 0))
protected function handleInput():void
//Check left and right input and save the sum to n, so both left and right simultaneously will equal no movement
var n:int = 0;
if (Input.pressed(Key.LEFT)) n--;
if (Input.pressed(Key.RIGHT)) n++;
//Based on n, determine if the player should spin
if ( n != 0)
if (n < 0) player.goLeft();
else player.goRight();
} */
protected function loadMap(mapData:Class):void
var mapXML:XML = FP.getXML(mapData);
//Create the map grid
_mapGrid = new Grid(uint(mapXML.@width), uint(mapXML.@height), 120, 120, 0, 0)
_mapGrid.loadFromString(String(mapXML.Grid), "", "\n");
//Spawn hero
hero = new Hero(int(mapXML.Entities.Spawn.@x), int(mapXML.Entities.Spawn.@y));
As you can see, when the player touches the map, it runs a function from the hero class, which looks like this:
public function isOnGround():void
onTheGround = true;
And in the hero class, the update function checks if the hero is on the ground like so:
if (onTheGround) { ySpeed = 0;
if (Input.check(Key.UP))
ySpeed -= jumpPower;
} else {
ySpeed = gravity;
Now, this is very unconvenient. How do I make it so that the hero class itself can detect if it collides with the map? And more importantly, how to make it so that the hero collisions with ONLY A SPECIFIC TYPE OF TILE triggers the physics handling? So it doesn’t happen if the hero touches ANYTHING.
Here is my level file
< level width=“1920” height=“1080”> < Grid exportMode=“Bitstring”>0000000000000000 1000000000000000 1001111000000000 1100110000000000 1110000000000000 0000000000010000 0000000000110000 0000000001110000 1111111111110011< /Grid> < Entities> < Spawn id=“0” x=“120” y=“720” /> < /Entities> < /level>
The number 1 = the ground tiles, which I only want to trigger the physics handling on the hero.