Help to finish a game

(0) #1

hello…I’ve been working in this game for a long time… and I need help…(specially with enemies/bosses/npc/dialogues/menus/and all other stuff) yes…a lot of help.

(to make the game I used Noel Berry advanced platform engine and messed with it a little ) well thanks.

(forgot the controls) WASD to move QE to change weapon I to jump J to shoot K to duck

that’s how it looks…

(Alex Larioza) #2

This has a very interesting art style!

I feel like there really isn’t much in the game for anyone to give you some pointers. Right now its sort of an art demo as all you can do is jump around a short level. There’s no fall damage, goals, things to explore, etc. It would be helpful if you talked about what you had envisioned for this game.

(rostok) #3

i agree with @SHiLLySiT the demo looks promising yet you haven’t described game vision or direction you would like to follow. i also think you should specify what kind of help you are looking for. is it specific task like dialog system? or partners who would help you out with the project?

topics you mentioned are quite general but i guess it would be fun to discuss them here even if they are broad and don’t necessarily concern FP. so, where should we start?

(Alex Larioza) #4

Yeah this prob should be in the creations category. Or do we need a new category for game design discussion/WIP? @zachwlewis

(Zachary Lewis) #5

@SHiLLySiT I feel like discussing game design, while totally fine when it come up, is not the focus of this community. It’s based around FlashPunk developers helping other with FlashPunk-based problems and shaping the future of the software.

I’m not shutting this thing down, I just don’t think we need a game design category or a teamups category or any categories in a similar vein since there are already several external resources available to serve those purposes.