The Promised Land - A procedurally generated walking simulator [SHARECART1000]

(Nicole Brauer) #1

Hey guys, I recently finished a new game and maybe you want to check it out:

[][1] (You can download it for free or pwyw)

It utilizes the [SHARECART1000][2] save system and while I can imagine that the actual game might not be all that interesting to most of you there is some neat stuff in the source code which you can also download via the link:

  • SHARECART1000 saving and loading

  • Simple randomly generated 2d terrain (basicly [this thing here][3])

  • Randomly generated foliage ([joshua trees][4], they look kinda crap but I love them)

  • Somewhat randomly generated “bible” verses

  • And somewhat randomly thrown together music (I wanted to actually generate the music but I gave up after trying out a few things)

The code might be a mess and is poorly if at all documented, so sorry for that. But if you have any questions or would like me to explain or simplify some of the code, please let me know. If you want to use any of the code feel free to do so, I would be happy if someone can get any use out of this. :smiley: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:

(azrafe7) #2

That single black pixel once in a while still annoys me, but well done! :smirk:

(Nicole Brauer) #3

Yeah, you mean the one pixel missing in the sand, right? That really annoyed me too, but I couldn’t find a way to fix it. :confused:

Maybe it’s a rounding error while drawing the terrain surface.

(azrafe7) #4

Ah… It actually seems to be related to rounding in the efla function (works fine if you use Draw.line() instead).

Aaand… Math.rounding i*multiDiff in there seems to fix it. :smiley:

(Nicole Brauer) #5

Oh, thanks! :slight_smile: I fixed it and uploaded a new version.