Mochimedia Integration - How can i do it?

(Aesir Games) #1

Hello there!

I’m making a game for android and i want to monetize my game with ads and one of the options were mochimedia API, but i don’t know how to integrate it with my game, i have no ideas and i’m kinda newbie on this section. I’m trying to learn everything i can so i don’t make these newbie questions! :stuck_out_tongue:

And besides that, you guys advertising in your game how? And how do you advertise your game to get more players?

Thank you!

(Bora Kasap) #2

mochimedia developer documentary has lots of information. i’ve done everything in 4 hours by reading it. why don’t you?

(Aesir Games) #3

You mean this?

I tried, but the FlashDeveloper begun to throw some errors and them i didn’t know how to fix it! hahaha

I didn’t found any other tutorial other than that.

(Bora Kasap) #4

yeah that one, also actually i was needed more information like you :smiley: then i’ve looked around like you, there are important answers on mochimedia community forums, also, i can try to help you if you have “a problem”, but i need a problem. :smiley:

(Aesir Games) #5

Oh, Okay, ty for your attention, i’ll set up things here and try to get “the problem” hahaha

(Aesir Games) #6

Ok, it begins with this:

Error: MochiAd is missing the ‘clip’ parameter. This should be a MovieClip, Sprite or an instance of a class that extends MovieClip or Sprite.

In my

package { import net.flashpunk.Engine;

import net.flashpunk.FP;

import net.flashpunk.utils.*;

import flash.system.Capabilities;

import mochi.as3.*;

MochiAd.showPreGameAd( {id:“a8b9545fccd1bc58”, res:“800x480” } );

[SWF(frameRate=30, width=“800”, height=“480”)]

public class Main extends Engine { …

I’m kinda newbie as i said so it must be something really easy that i don’t get it…hahaha

(Bora Kasap) #7

that’s because of you’re not connected to mochi services in your first frame, i mean in the constructor of the “Main” class.

add this to your Main class

MochiServices.connect(“asdasdasdasd”, root);

and change the “asdasdasd” section with your gameID which mochi gave you, you can learn it from your game settings in mochimedia. AHaha! You have to upload your game to Mochi first? Maybe that’s your problem? :smiley:

(Bora Kasap) #8

Also, if you’ll upload your game by selecting LiveUpdates box, you’re not going to need to add a preGameAd, it makes it automatically in LiveUpdates upload mode.

(Aesir Games) #9

Ok, that may be the problem! hahahaha I’ll make the tests again and soon return here. Thank you anyway

(Aesir Games) #10

Okay, i tried uploading it

it doesn’t start my game after the load…what have i done wrong? can you tell? xD

(Bora Kasap) #11

it starting, i’m playing your game right now?..

(Aesir Games) #12


Why can’t i do it? ahahahha that’s awkward…i opened the offline version and it got running but the link that i sended to you don’t work in here…hahaha

(Bora Kasap) #13

that about your browser, maybe?

(Aesir Games) #14

I don’t think so, cuz the local one open on the same browser…

(Bora Kasap) #15

then it may about the “patch” of liveupload’s… it makes a patch to your swf file for some functionality & source code encyription… that may cause you can play standalone version in browser but not liveupdate version?

try to download your liveupdated version then try again in flashplayer?

(Aesir Games) #16

I dont know what’s it… but here

its normal for me…xD

(Ultima2876) #17

It doesn’t start for me either. The bar fills then it just sits on a white screen - Google Chrome on Windows 8.

(Aesir Games) #18

in here it works?

(Ultima2876) #19

That one works for me :slight_smile:

(Bora Kasap) #20

both works with me in google chrome & iexplorer both, win7