
Entity with multiple sprites (2)
Problems with Flashpunk and Uploading to FGL (2)
Setting up Box2FP (1)
Why is grid creation via OGMO bitstring standard formatting glitchy (for me at least)? (2)
[SOLVED] How to disable entity's PixelMask (4)
I do not know why this message keeps popping up (2)
Hide Entity Behind A Specific Area In The World ( 2 ) (29)
Textfield with a Scrollbar (3)
[PART SOLUTION FOUND] WordWrap issues using, Wrapping sometimes done when not needed (2)
Intergrating CPMStar Ads (5)
Most effective way to create a Mini Map (3)
Possible for multiple button input defines? (2)
Different sized frames (2)
I have a triangle with an exclamation mark inside on mask folder, Entity file, World file in Flash builder 4 (2)
Get frame size for sprite sheet (5)
Trouble with movement of enitities at an angle [SOLVED] (5)
Enemies overlapping each other? (2)
Quick Question: Removing graphics (2)
Colour Tween and BitmapData (3)
Tile based problem (8)
Help with Gravity and "collide" function (AS3 project) (8)
Problems with autotiling between different level chunks (1)
Multiple assets make SWF with a big size (6)
Browser Loads the game every single time (10)
[SOLVED]Help with 5 meters inside a circle (3)
How do you display from a loader (3)
[SOLVED] Set Alpha Value of Text in TextField (7)
Underwater displacement/ripple effect? [SOLVED] (3)
Goal Oriented Action Planning (5)
Use of C++ library in FlashPunk (14)