MoveBy() but with number not int? [help] (12)
Zelda-like RPG Engine [creations] (6)
Help with creating a player entity for a 2D Side-scrolling Shooter [help] (2)
Bitmapdata relative to entity? [help] (8)
Updating the FlashPunk Console [flashpunk] (13)
Change size of a button? [help] (4)
Bubble Pet, aka Flashpunk on Android [games] (4)
Anyone knows how to use box2d in flash [creations] (4)
FlashPunk Testbed [flashpunk] (1)
Text is blurry (with screen scaling) [help] (14)
Tilemap performance is lacking? [SOLVED AS HELL] ( 2 ) [help] (24)
Trying to override collideTypes [help] (3)
Make a trail line? [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Our first flashpunk game and why time constraints are incredibly useful [creations] (7)
TileMaps question [help] (4)
Spawn stuff within the bounds of a camera [help] (4)
New game: BALANCE, a game about a sprite flying along the water's edge [creations] (4)
FPS Spike Issue [help] (7)
Tile map question (get tile) [help] (4)
Make objects from xml tiles? [help] (4)
Tilemap not showing up [help] (3)
Emitters as a second graphic on an entity [help] (4)
Ludum Dare 29 - Sand Runner Arena [creations] (1)
Spawning enemies when they are at a specific distance from player(a more efficient way) [help] (8)
Create implicit coercion error [help] (3)
Discussion: Global error handling [flashpunk] (15)
[SOLVED] My flashgame on FGL loses its savedata. Need help creating robust saving system [help] (9)
Progress bar while swtiching levels [help] (2)
Parametrized camera follow snippet [creations] (2)
Collision that would reset the world? ( 2 ) [help] (23)