Emitters as a second graphic on an entity

(Elias) #1

Hello everyone! Is it possible to have an emitter on an entity that already got a graphic on it, or should i create a different emitter entity that follows the the previous one?

(Zachary Lewis) #2

I like to create a single emitter for the same type of particle. That means, one emitter for all explosions, one emitter for all blood, et cetera. Put them in your world and reference them from your entities when you need something to emit.

You can also watch this video I made.

(Elias) #3

Thanks Zach. I have seen all of your videos and they really helped me finding my way around. I was experiment to find the best way to set emitters. Is it possible to store in in a different entity and call it with “getInstance()” than making it in the Gameworld? And still use it for every purpose.

(Zachary Lewis) #4

If you want to. You don’t really want the image moving around, though, or it will shift all of your particles along with it.