Progress bar while swtiching levels

(CurlyBrace) #1

Hello, there.

While developed a simple prototype on the Flashpunk i realized, that map loading takes much time. I am not so expierenced with the flash, so.

How can i add progress bar inside my game? Maybe i need to store each level in the separate swf?

(rostok) #2

In order to have progress bar you will have to divide level loading process into smaller steps. There is a number ways to do it. In my case instead of initializing world in contructor I have added extra method called initProgress(progress:uint) that initializes the world in several steps. Here’s some code:

	public class Game extends World
		public function initProgress(progress:uint, map:String, addPlayer:Boolean = false):void 
			switch (progress) 
				case 0:
					// load level
				case 1:
					// load actors
				case 2:
					// do sth else
				case 8: // here we assume that there are 9 steps to init this world (0-8)
					// finalize


	public class Main extends Engine
		private var progressInit:uint = 0;
		public function postInitProgress():Number
			switch (progressInit)
				case 0: 
						worlds = new Object();
				case 20:
				case 21:
				case 22:
				case 23:
				case 24:
				case 25:
				case 26:
				case 27:
				case 28:
						wn = "caves"; 
						if (!worlds[wn]) worlds[wn] = new Game(null, wn); 
						Game(lastWorld).initProgress(progressInit - 20, "output15.xml"); 
				case 30:
				case 31:
				case 32:
				case 33:
				case 34:
				case 35:
				case 36:
				case 37:
				case 38:
						wn = "chamber"; 
						if (!worlds[wn]) worlds[wn] = new Game(null, wn); 
						Game(lastWorld).initProgress(progressInit - 30, "chamber04.xml", true); 
			return progressInit / 38; // final step

The second part may be a little confusing but the basic idea is to run Main’s postInitProgress() in a loop till it returns number bigger that 1. The returned value may be used for progress indicator.