Zelda-like RPG Engine

(Sebastian Bierman-Lytle) #1

Two years ago I started making an RPG with FlashPunk but abandoned it due to lack of time. I recently began working with a non-profit and we have decided to build an RPG that helps teach English to native Chinese speakers, so the project is moving forward again.

I want to share what I have so far in the spirit of OS and since the code is so modular that I feel like many will find it useful. The features are limited but the code is easy to navigate and extend. If you do make any interesting extensions, feel free to merge them into the master branch.

Here’s a live demo (at the bottom of the page): http://dandelionenglish.org/students/

And here’s the code: https://github.com/sbiermanlytle/FlashRPG


(Ultima2876) #2

This is cool! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

(Ani Mittra) #3

Are you by any chance doglion? If so, I used to read your tutorials for this engine on your old site, it was very good stuff. :smiley:

(Jacob Albano) #4

What makes you think that? The link above says dandelion.

(Sebastian Bierman-Lytle) #5

No i’ve never used that handle. I have written tutorials, but only for html5 games: http://iioengine.com/tutorials/

(Ani Mittra) #6

Ah my fault! The name was similar so I thought you were someone else.

There was someone named doglion who had a flashpunk RPG tutorial a few years ago, funny coincidence! Sorry for the de-rail.