Trying to override collideTypes

(Ben Pettengill) #1

So, I have some movable blocks in my game, with the parent entity “parGameOb”. Basically, when a big line of blocks is pushed, I want to find the last block on that line, and see whether the next space is empty or if there’s an unmovable wall there. If there’s an empty space, I want to tell each of those blocks to move one space.

Here’s the function my Player object calls when colliding with a movable block:

private function checkline(_dir:int):Boolean
		var tempX:int = x;
		var tempY:int = y;
		var movX:int = 0;
		var movY:int = 0;
		var collideOK:Array = ["movable"];	//stuff that can be moved
		var collideBAD:Array = ["solid"];		//stuff that will always stop things moving
		if (_dir == 0) movY = -1;	//up
		if (_dir == 1) movY = 1;	//down
		if (_dir == 2) movX = -1;	//left
		if (_dir == 3) movX = 1;	//right
		var done:Boolean = false;
		while (!done) {
			var e:parGameOb = collideTypes(collideOK, tempX, tempY);
			if (e != null) {
				e.moveOneSpace(movX, movY);
			if (collideTypes(collideBAD, tempX, tempY)) done = true;
			else {
				tempX += movX;
				tempY += movY;

The problem is that the temp variable “e” is an instance of parGameOb, and I can’t call collideTypes on it, even though it extends Entity. I’m probably not understaind how inheritance works, but I want to be able to find collisions with a parGameOb, then call a fumnction to any instance of it that I find, What’s the best way to do that?

(Jonathan Stoler) #2

You can cast it as parGameOb:

var e:parGameOb = collideTypes(collideOK, tempX, tempY) as parGameOb;

(Ben Pettengill) #3

Ah, thanks! That does work.