Pixelmasks and Spritemaps ( 2 ) [help] (21)
Rotating screen not centered on player{SOLVED} [help] (3)
Collision detection kit with FlashPunk [help] (5)
Firefighter - Action Platformer [games] (9)
The game blocks for no reason at main[SOLVED] [help] (2)
FP + Nape tutorial [help] (8)
The cave of heroes (NOW PLAYABLE) [creations] (14)
Utility class for creating entity pool [creations] (5)
Time Rewind helper class [creations] (8)
Rotating tilemaps? [help] (7)
Fps spikes from 60 to 100? [help] (4)
Don't Even Odd - our first math game [games] (8)
Converting flash game into desktop application [help] (9)
Creating Entities with Entities [help] (4)
Rampage Rex Released [games] (3)
Resizing the game [help] (9)
Parsing TMX (XML) from Tiled: Invalid bitmap data error when more than one layer [help] (9)
Flixel-compatible tilemap autoset [creations] (14)
TileMap and Performance (Other Methods?) [help] (3)
Invalid bitmapdata.. xml and even MORE annoying stuff to deal with [help] (9)
Removing All Entities on a World [help] (7)
Ads in my game! [help] (3)
Flash In Game Ads, which one? [help] (3)
Implicit coercion error with world.classFirst() [help] (3)
Music that persists between level transitions [SOLVED] [help] (4)
How to load a gameworld with several tilesets? [help] (2)
Trouble with passing values to the instance in world.create() [help] (4)
How to flash the hero every Y milisec? [help] (8)
[SOLVED] External swf woes. How to play and stop a swf? [help] (2)
Evaluate my solution of a Trail System [help] (4)