Evaluate my solution of a Trail System

(Jean) #1

So basicly I was very excited to make another improvement on my current project, to make something likes Alucard trail effect, or more of knowledge of anyone, the Megaman X trail effect. It works like this:

For every half second or so he copies the actual frame, paint it with a color and keeps diminishing its opacity until it reaches zero to fade away.

Since I use a SpriteMap on my character, I though that I could do something like this:

  • Keep a count of the frames elapsed.
  • Every X elapsed, create a Trail Entity, with the same SpriteMap as graphic, setting his index equal as the current index of the character.
  • The Trail entity would play with the tinting values and alpha value being reduced every frame or so, and then when it reaches zero it removes itself from the current world. (use a ColorTween for this?)

(Mike Evmm) #2

Probably a MultiVarTween, or just FP.tween.

(Jean) #3

What I would lack on ColorTween that I would need to use the FP.tween?

(Mike Evmm) #4

I forgot you could also tween alphas with a ColorTween! :sweat_smile: