Implementing sponsors .fla or .swf preloader [help] (2)
Cut-Scenes in Fashpunk [help] (5)
SOLVED Create an array from a grid [help] (3)
What is this comparision related with or which is faster? [help] (10)
Check if (color) tween is running? [help] (3)
Memory slowly ticks up despite removing entities from the world [Solved] [help] (12)
Add Event Listener to an Entity [help] (6)
Text height/width scaledheight/scaledwidth not accurate? [help] (4)
Shared object issue! [help] (3)
Circle Code - A lights switcher game [games] (8)
Question about blocks [help] (5)
Using an ANE with As3 in FlashDevelop? [help] (3)
What audio extensions can FlashPunk / AS3 load? [help] (3)
Math.abs() is using a lot of memory? ( 2 ) [help] (24)
FlashDevelop debug window size [help] (4)
Easily collideTypes from world class [help] (7)
Quadtree causing possible memory leak [help] (9)
Rotating Pixelmask [help] (10)
On Dungeons - First shot at FlashPunk [games] (7)
Intermittent stuttering/jerky/twitchy framerate [help] (6)
Load bars for individual levels/Worlds in Flashpunk [flashpunk] (2)
Spawn / Teleport Problem [help] (11)
What's the best way to determine the nearest enemy in a tower defense game? [help] (5)
TileLighting: a tilemap lighting system [creations] (8)
Tutorial Requests? ( 2 ) [tutorials] (21)
Little issue with the documentation in "addGraphic" function [feedback] (2)
Backdrop problems [help] (10)
Top Down Space Shooter Newtonian-esque Movement? [help] (2)
Sfx complete function usage[SOLVED] [help] (4)
How to determine what is in front or not in a 2D world? [help] (6)