I’ve been quietly browsing these forums, preferring to learn by lurking instead of posting a bunch of newbie questions. And I have learned a lot by just hanging out here and reading what everyone has to say.
So: On Dungeons – my first completed FlashPunk project. It’s a kinda story-focused puzzle game, I guess? There’s a bit of an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink mentality to it, as I wanted to start tackling all sorts of things – cutscenes, dialog systems, music integration, etc. – in order to learn how those things work in preparation for future projects, but hopefully it’s still enjoyable.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who posts here and everyone who maintains/updates FlashPunk. (And a special shout out to @zachwlewis and his Coin Duder series! Super helpful being able to see coding in action. Also @jacobalbano , your preloader class is a godsend. Very helpful.)
FlashPunk is a fantastic engine with a great community, and is easy to get into even for a non-programmer such as myself. Looking forward to learning more about it as time goes on.
Now, back to the shadows I return…