Accessing the x and y coordinates of another entity [help] (4)
Random loot... How to do it? [help] (6)
Repository shuffle! The official repo has come home [flashpunk] (1)
[SOLVED] Problem Score / FadeIn ( 2 ) [help] (28)
Backdrop Example/Tutorial For Scrolling Background [tutorials] (7)
Whats wrong with this? [help] (4)
Camera assistance [help] (3)
XML parser mergers two XML objects from list? [help] (9)
Crowdsourced FlashPunk Documentation [flashpunk] (8)
Most efficient way to fake lighting [help] (20)
About rendering [help] (8)
Fp.stage.framerate=60 and (in main) super(267, 238,60,true);[SOLVED] [help] (4)
Adding a link into the game...part 2 [help] (6)
Making Games With FlashPunk Video Series Redux Survey [feedback] (16)
Algorithm arrow rotating[SOLVED] [help] (3)
Cpm star ad report[SOLVED] [help] (3)
FPS based counters [help] (3)
[OOP] How to set value of Text from a variable in World [help] (6)
What frame rate u usually use for your game? [help] (5)
Saving a world? [help] (3)
Experience bar help [help] (3)
Animation Timing offset [help] (2)
To Learn FP In General [help] (15)
Collision Problem [help] (7)
Switch between worlds / White Screen [help] (13)
Scaling everything on the screen but some entitys [help] (18)
Scaling tiles....... How? [help] (5)
Parsing TILED XML in flashpunk, can't seem to add bitmaps and shapes? ( 2 3 4 ) [help] (73)
Faster text rendering [help] (8)
Adding an entity to an entity [help] (14)