Different Image Layers In Graphiclist [help] (6)
[RELEASE] Flower Tower [creations] (9)
My game for indies vs pewdiepie is finished [games] (3)
Browser publishing? W-8BEN ? EIN? [SOLVED] [games] (15)
Feature requests: Console [SOLVED] [flashpunk] (3)
World.create() and Point [help] (4)
Entity follow another? ( 2 ) [help] (29)
The Data class could use a clear function [flashpunk] (14)
Best way to make a standalone game [help] (2)
Changing/reseting the world isn't really working 100% [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Trying to access my world's variables -.- [help] (7)
Collision With A Spritemap [help] (15)
Change spritemap to another file? [help] (6)
Track hearts in a HUD [help] (3)
Animation interrupt [help] (4)
Graphics follow the screen if you move too fast? [Stage3dPunk] [help] (12)
Multiple Attack Entity's vs Changing Attack Entity's Hitbox [help] (3)
An update on CodeAlchemy's Admob ANE [meta] (3)
Create Objects Only When They Show Up In Camera [help] (3)
Static constant variables are changing [help] (5)
Entity see the collide with just 1 entity but not with all it collides[SOLVED] [help] (5)
Thoughts on Strategy RPG - Grid Tilemap Implementation/? [help] (4)
Easy way to do a fadeout effect? [help] (4)
Make secret blocks transparent when discovered [Solved] ( 2 ) [help] (26)
For loop timing vs FP.elapsed [Solved] [help] (7)
Ogmo blank tiles (-1 in XML) showing as last tileset [Solved] [help] (15)
Annoying hit detection, either too much or too little [help] (4)
Confused : compiling & embedding a project (ASC2.0) [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Putting stuff in update vs added [help] (4)
How to check for collisions against an entire array? [help] (4)