Implementing mirror [help] (8)
Recycle and Create : Better Memory Use! [help] (2)
Show and Hide menu when the user press the button [help] (2)
Moving platforms with advanced paths? [help] (7)
Melee Attack Collisions [help] (18)
[SOLVED]Frame syncronization beetween Entities [help] (3)
Player Detection by Enemy [help] (3)
So is there real-time debugging/coding/tuning? [help] (9)
Character Position [help] (3)
FLAKit, my media management helper library [creations] (17)
Automatic Ogmo loader [creations] (1)
Issue with Memory Leak [help] (5)
Point-and-click architecture [tutorials] (8)
Notify the player when something changes [help] (9)
Camera point &click game [continued in point-and-click architecture thread] [help] (4)
Split Enemies Group [help] (4)
Serious trouble when it comes to menus [help] (4)
Humphrey's Tiny Adventure [creations] (3)
Trace not working in switch statement [help] (4)
Make tilemaps darker? [help] (4)
How to double click? [SOLVED] [help] (6)
Milkman tools and alternatives [help] (3)
Animated Sprites ( 2 ) [tutorials] (25)
Bit Dungeon II Steam Greenlight game made in flashpunk [games] (18)
Moving the mask with entity : Pendulum [help] (5)
Adding something to a world inside of a global function [help] (8)
How to keep musc looping even after resetting the world? [help] (2)
Using Two Images With Backdrop [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Image is null when used in a function [SOLVED] [help] (5)
Animated pixelmask has a huge hitbox? [help] (4)