Automatic Ogmo loader

(Jacob Albano) #1

Hey folks! I bring to you another handy tool that I’ve been using in my Flashpunk projects for a while now. I proudly present my…

##98% automatic Ogmo level loader.

It constructs entities based on their names, then automatically sets their properties based on the information in each Ogmo node. This means position, width, height, etc are all handled for you with no hassle. If you need fine-tuned control or want to access the XML node that your entity is created from, implement the IOgmoNodeHandler interface to have access to it after it’s constructed.

It can also create Tilemaps (correctly handling empty/negative tiles) and Grids. For Tilemaps, the Entity in charge of displaying them will have its name set to that of the originating Ogmo layer, so you can access it with World.getInstance(). Grids have their collision type set to the string of your choosing. All export types (CSV, XML, Rectangles, etc) are supported without any work on your part.


var loader:OgmoLoader = new OgmoLoader();

// if your as3 class has the same name as your Ogmo entity, no need to 
specify a name

// ... but you can if you like
loader.registerEntityType(Generic, "Alias1");
loader.registerEntityType(Generic, "Alias2");

loader.registerGridType("GridLayer", "wall", 32, 32);
loader.registerTilemapType("Tileset0", bitmapData, 32, 32);


A few caveats: Entities created this way must not take any parameters in their constructors (or they must be optional, in any case). The automatic property setting won’t work on private or protected members, so those will still need to be set manually.

    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import net.flashpunk.Entity;
    import net.flashpunk.masks.Grid;
     * Automatic Ogmo editor loader for Flashpunk.
     * @author Jacob Albano
    public class OgmoLoader
        public function OgmoLoader()
            types = new Dictionary();
            tilemaps = new Dictionary();
            grids = new Dictionary();
         * Create an array of entities from an Ogmo level file.
         * @param    oel The XML document representing your oel.
         * @param    autoLayer If each entity's layer should be set based on its order in the oel. Only values of 0 will be overwritten.
         * @return The list of entities.
        public function buildLevelAsArray(oel:XML, autoLayer:Boolean = true):Array
            var result:Array = [];
            var layerNodes:Array = [];
            var layerIndex:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
            var layerCount:int = 0;
            function add(e:Entity):void {
                if (e == null) return;
                if (autoLayer)
                    e.layer = e.layer || layerCount;
            for each (var layerNode:XML in oel.children())
            for each (var layer:XML in layerNodes.reverse())
                layerIndex[] = ++layerCount;
                if (layer.@tileset != undefined)
                    add(tilemapLayer(oel, layer));
                else if (layer.@exportMode != undefined)
                    add(gridLayer(oel, layer));
                    for each (var entity:XML in layer.children())
                        var type:Class = types[];
                        if (!type)
                            trace("No entity type registered for",;
                        var ent:Entity = new type();
                        setProperties(ent, entity);
                        if (ent is IOgmoNodeHandler)
            return result;
         * Register a class with the level builder.
         * @param    type The Entity class to register.
         * @param    name The name of the class as it appears in Ogmo. Only required if the actionscript class has a different name.
        public function registerEntityType(type:Class, name:String = null):void
            name = name || getName(type);
            types[name] = type;
         * Register the information needed to create a tilemap.
         * The entity created will have its name property set to the layer's name, so you can find it with getInstance()
         * @param    tilemapName The name of the tilemap defined in your Ogmo project.
         * @param    source The BitmapData or Class to use as a source image.
         * @param    tileWidth The width of a tile in the resulting Tilemap.
         * @param    tileHeight The height of a tile in the resulting Tilemap.
        public function registerTilemapType(tilemapName:String, source:*, tileWidth:int, tileHeight:int):void
            tilemaps[tilemapName] = {
                source : source,
                tileWidth : tileWidth,
                tileHeight : tileHeight
         * Register the information needed to create a grid.
         * @param    layerName The name of the Ogmo layer to build from.
         * @param    collisionType The collision type for the entity that owns this mask to use.
         * @param    cellWidth The width of a cell in the resulting Grid.
         * @param    cellHeight The height of a cell in the resulting Grid.
        public function registerGridType(layerName:String, collisionType:String, cellWidth:int, cellHeight:int):void
            grids[layerName] = {
                collisionType : collisionType,
                cellWidth : cellWidth,
                cellHeight : cellHeight
        private function setProperties(e:Entity, x:XML):void 
            for each (var att:XML in x.attributes()) 
                var name:String =;
                var value:* = att;
                if (att == "True" || att == "False")
                    value = (att == "True");
                if (e.hasOwnProperty(name))
                    e[name] = value;
        private function getName(type:Class):String
            return String(type).slice(7, -1);
        private function gridLayer(oel:XML, layer:XML):Entity 
            var def:Object = grids[];
            if (def == null)
                return null;
            var text:String = String(layer.text());
            var tileWidth:int = def.cellWidth;
            var tileHeight:int = def.cellHeight;
            var grid:Grid = null;
            var mode:String = String(layer.@exportMode);
            switch (mode) 
                case "Bitstring":
                case "TrimmedBitstring":
                    grid = gridLoadBitstring(oel, layer, mode, tileWidth, tileHeight);
                case "Rectangles":
                case "GridRectangles":
                    grid = gridLoadRectangles(oel, layer, mode, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            var e:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, null, grid);
            e.type = def.collisionType;
            return e;
        public function gridLoadBitstring(oel:XML, layer:XML, mode:String, tileWidth:int, tileHeight:int):Grid 
            var width:int = int(oel.@width);
            var height:int = int(oel.@height);
            var text:String = layer.text();
            var grid:Grid = new Grid(width * tileWidth, height * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            grid.loadFromString(text, "", "\n");
            return grid;
        private function gridLoadRectangles(oel:XML, layer:XML, mode:String, tileWidth:int, tileHeight:int):Grid 
            var width:int = int(oel.@width);
            var height:int = int(oel.@height);
            var grid:Grid = new Grid(width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            if (mode == "Rectangles")
                grid.usePositions = true;
            for each (var rect:XML in layer.rect)
                grid.setRect(rect.@x, rect.@y, rect.@w, rect.@h, true);
            return grid;
        private function tilemapLayer(oel:XML, layer:XML):Entity
            var def:Object = tilemaps[String(layer.@tileset)];
            if (def == null)
                return null;
            var tileWidth:int = def.tileWidth, tileHeight:int = def.tileHeight;
            var tilemap:Tilemap = null;
            var mode:String = String(layer.@exportMode);
            switch (mode) 
                case "CSV":
                case "TrimmedCSV":
                    tilemap = tilemapLoadCSV(oel, layer, mode, def.source, tileWidth, tileHeight);    
                case "XML":
                case "XMLCoords":
                    tilemap = tilemapLoadXML(oel, layer, mode, def.source, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            var e:Entity = new Entity(0, 0, tilemap);
            return e;
        private function tilemapLoadCSV(oel:XML, layer:XML, mode:String, source:*, tileWidth:int, tileHeight:int):Tilemap 
            var width:int = int(oel.@width);
            var height:int = int(oel.@height);
            var text:String = layer.text();
            var tilemap:Tilemap = new Tilemap(source, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            var r:Array = text.split("\n");
            for (var i:int = 0; i < r.length; i++) 
                var c:Array = r[i].split(",");
                for (var j:int = 0; j < c.length; j++)
                    var id:int = int(c[j]);
                    if (id >= 0)
                        tilemap.setTile(j, i, id);
            return tilemap;
        private function tilemapLoadXML(oel:XML, layer:XML, mode:String, source:*, tileWidth:int, tileHeight:int):Tilemap 
            var width:int = int(oel.@width);
            var height:int = int(oel.@height);
            var tilemap:Tilemap = new Tilemap(source, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight);
            if (mode == "XMLCoords")
                for each (var node:XML in layer.children())
                    var id:int = tilemap.getIndex(node.@tx, node.@ty)
                    tilemap.setTile(node.@x, node.@y, id);
                for each (node in layer.children())
                    tilemap.setTile(node.@x, node.@y, node.@id);
            return tilemap;
        private var types:Dictionary, tilemaps:Dictionary, grids:Dictionary;


     * Entities implementing this interface will be passed their source XML node when constructed.
    public interface IOgmoNodeHandler 
        function nodeHandler(node:XML):void;

Moving platforms with advanced paths?