Barf Off (#barfcade) [games] (1)
Glow bloom effect help [help] (2)
Discourse 1.0.0! [meta] (1)
Text color possible bug (textColor property - set via Text.setTextProperty() - is ignored) [help] (12)
Feedback wanted for Interplanetary Defense Alliance, the game I made for Ludum Dare [games] (18)
Animations and Sprites [flashpunk] (4)
SharedObject flush problems. How to ensure saving succeeded? [help] (5)
How to tile without addGraphic(), or addGraphic is cool for my situation? [SOLVED] [help] (4)
Entity removed() [help] (5)
Line Intersection [help] (7)
Working with pixelmasks [help] (9)
Is it possible to clear/erase a canvas? [help] (3)
Changing the bitmap in an Image object? [help] (3)
Realistically ricocheting bullets? [help] (11)
What happens FIRST when i remove an entity [help] (5)
Dynamic Palette Switching [creations] (4)
AutoTileSet for Flashpunk [creations] (5)
Graphiclist is not displaying my Text [SOLVED] [help] (3)
Draw a box over all entities of a given type on the screen [help] (7)
Better way to work with Tilesets [help] (3)
Forming random, but contiguous shapes? [help] (5)
Help acessing values from OGMO [help] (12)
Input Differentiation Between Right-Clicks and Left-Clicks? [help] (3)
Access to the current image data of an entity, [help] (3)
I've a little positioning problem [help] (4)
Enemy Player Detection [help] (3)
Help with drag and drop and some other stuff [help] (16)
RESOLVED: How to respawn an entity after it is removed? [help] (8)
Tiled/TMX map loader [creations] (4)
What happens after = new (insert new world) [help] (10)