Input Differentiation Between Right-Clicks and Left-Clicks?

(Pericles McGee) #1

I’ve scoured the Internet and FlashPunk’s documentation, but to no avail. Is there any set of mousePressed, mouseReleased, etc. properties, methods, or functions specific to the left and right mouse buttons? How do I code an event so that it triggers when the right mouse button is pressed, but doesn’t when I press the left?

(Zachary Lewis) #2

Right click event support in Flash Player was added in version 11.2 and hasn’t been implemented in FlashPunk.

(azrafe7) #3

I recall that @SHiLLySiT implemented these type of functionalities in his fork of FlashPunk (and for middle button too). Just replacing with his version should work.

As @zachwlewis said, remember to compile for 11.2+.