Welcome to the FlashPunk Developers community!

(Malky) #8

Yes! I’m glad there’s a good place to talk about FP again.

(Julien Samama) #9

It’s good to be back ! Hi everyone :slight_smile:

(Jacob Albano) #10

Thanks to everyone involved in getting this up. <3 I always like to recommend Flashpunk to people getting started in gamedev, but the lack of a site has been problematic. I look forward to helping out with anything that needs doing. :slight_smile:

(Michael Houser) #11

Hi all! I’m really glad to see the Flashpunk site being brought back from Godzilla-like dormancy! I’ve been using Flashpunk for several years now, and have progressed from a hopeless fool to a hopeful fool in that time. On those rare occasions when I actually know what I’m talking about, I will be here!

(René) #12

Although I have never contributed to the old community, I was reading around there pretty regular. So I’m really happy this thing is starting to become a thing again. :thumbsup:

(Blackstream) #13

Weird format and definitely can use more categories but, I’m so glad this is back up.

What categories do we need?
(SunShiranui) #14

The layout is very ugly, but thank you for bringing this back!

(Jacob Albano) #15

I like the new layout. :confused:

(Ashley Colman) #16

Good to see a place to talk about flashpunk back again! :smile:

Would be awesome to also be able to see the flashpunk doc pages hosted somewhere again too unless I missed them somewhere?

FlashPunk Documentation
(Zachary Lewis) #17

I’ll pull down the latest build and get that set up.

(Jacob Albano) #18

That would be awesome. I want to add links to the docs for functions and classes that are mentioned in the tutorials.

(Ashley Colman) #19

Awesome! Thanks dude!

(Justin Wolf) #20

Glad it’s back up (in a new way). Looking great!

(Nirvan) #21

Welcome back! :slight_smile: I suggest to create page for this site on facebook or something like this, first step what I did when I saw old flashpunk forum off was searching FB for flashpunk page with info about new site.

(Alex Larioza) #22

Finally I can stop refreshing flashpunk.net!

(Zachary Lewis) #23

For my sake, refresh it one more time. I gave it a new coat of paint. :sunglasses:

(Jacob Albano) #24

The new front page looks really good. I feel like it’s missing something, though…maybe some texture on the background, like the really faint lines in the iOS settings app…


…or this image from one of @kpulv’s blog posts.

(NoelFB) #25

Hey, this is awesome! Glad it’s all up and running, nice job with everything guys :smile:

(Elliot Colp) #26

Just a little nitpick about the Tutorials page: the expressions is “pore over,” not “pour over.”

The site looks nice, though! I agree with jacobalbano that some texture would be nice.

(reverso13) #27

This looks awesome!! is great to have it back :smiley: