Using Sound Effects

(Jacob Albano) #1

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to embed and play sound effects in your game, as well as how to alter their volume and panning

  • Embedding Sounds
  • Playing Sounds
  • Volume & Panning

Embedding Sounds

Embedding sound effects is very similar to how you embed graphics in your game. If we have our Player Entity, we can embed a sound called “shoot.mp3″ contained in our assets folder like so:

	import net.flashpunk.Entity;

	public class Player extends Entity
		[Embed(source = 'assets/shoot.mp3')] private const SHOOT:Class;

		public function Player()


Remember, if you’re using FlashDevelop, you can right-click on the audio file in your project and choose “Generate embed code” to automatically insert an asset metatag at the cursor.

This embeds the sound effects and assigns it to a variable called SHOOT, so we can access it.

Playing sounds

Sounds in FlashPunk are created and played using Sfx objects. Here, I’ll create a Sfx object from our embedded sound and assign it to a variable in our Player:

	import net.flashpunk.Entity;
	import net.flashpunk.Sfx;

	public class Player extends Entity
		[Embed(source = 'assets/shoot.mp3')]
		private const SHOOT:Class;

		public var shoot:Sfx = new Sfx(SHOOT);

		public function Player()


So now, our Player can access this sound effect at any time to play() the sound, like this:

	import net.flashpunk.Entity;
	import net.flashpunk.Sfx;
	import net.flashpunk.utils.Input;
	import net.flashpunk.utils.Key;

	public class Player extends Entity
		[Embed(source = 'assets/shoot.mp3')]
		private const SHOOT:Class;

		public var shoot:Sfx = new Sfx(SHOOT);

		public function Player()


		override public function update():void
			if (Input.pressed(Key.SPACE))
				// Play the sound when the spacebar is pressed.;

That will play the sound once. If you want the sound effect to loop (for example, background music or perhaps a running motor), you can use the loop() function instead, like this:


And stopping a sound effect that is playing simply requires the stop() function:


Volume and panning

FlashPunk allows you to change the global volume and panning factor of sound effects by assigning the FP.volume and FP.pan properties, like this:

// Sets the volume to 50%.
FP.volume = 0.5;
// Pans all sounds to the left speaker.
FP.pan = -1;

But sometimes you want to change the volume or panning factor of an individually playing sound effect, which is also possible using the Sfx class. If you have a Sfx object, you can assign a volume and panning factor to the sound when you call its play() or loop() function, by passing in the desired parameters:

// Play the sound with 50% volume and no panning.; // Play the sound with 100% volume, panned to the right speaker., 1);

And if you want to alter the volume or panning factor of a sound effect during playback, you can just assign the Sfx object’s volume and pan properties like so:

// Set the sound's volume to 25%.
mySfx.volume = 0.25;
// Pan the sound to the left speaker by 50%.
mySfx.pan = -0.5;

Original tutorial by Chevy Ray Johnston

(Kevin Graham) #2

A good site for creating sound fx is this

(Jacob Albano) #3

BFXR is better. It’s an updated version of as3fxr. :slight_smile: