This is a tutorial from the old flashpunk forums, all credit goes to user dabrorius from that site. I by no means take any credit.
This is a good tutorial for platformer collison, which can be found here:
This is a tutorial from the old flashpunk forums, all credit goes to user dabrorius from that site. I by no means take any credit.
This is a good tutorial for platformer collison, which can be found here:
i use moveBy function set the type of solids, if you wanna collide with other entities, use the Collide(xoffset, yoffset, type of entity)
public class Player extends Entity
public function Player(x:Number, y:Number)
anim = new Spritemap(R.GFX_MAN, 16, 16);
anim.add("idle", [0]);
anim.add("walk", [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4], 12);
anim.add("jump", [7, 8, 9], 10, false);
anim.add("fall", [10, 11], 10, false);
super(x, y, anim);
setHitbox(6, 16, -5);
phys = new Physics();
phys.maxVelocity = new Point(100, 200);
phys.drag.x = phys.maxVelocity.x * 4;
phys.acceleration.y = phys.maxVelocity.y * 4;
override public function update():void
phys.acceleration.x = 0;
if (Input.check(Key.LEFT))
phys.acceleration.x = -phys.drag.x;
anim.flipped = true;
else if (Input.check(Key.RIGHT))
phys.acceleration.x = phys.drag.x;
anim.flipped = false;
if (jump >= 0 && Input.check(Key.SPACE))
jump += FP.elapsed;
if (jump > 0.18) jump = -1;
}else jump = -1;
if (jump > 0) phys.velocity.y = -(phys.maxVelocity.y * 8) * jump;
if (collide("solid", x, y + 3) == null)
if (phys.velocity.y > 0)"fall");
else if (phys.velocity.x != 0)"walk");
moveBy(phys.x, phys.y, "solid");
override public function moveCollideX(e:Entity):Boolean
if (!collide("solid", x + FP.sign(phys.velocity.x), y - 1))
y --;
return false;
phys.velocity.x = 0;
return true;
override public function moveCollideY(e:Entity):Boolean
if (e.type == "solid")
if (collide("solid", x, y + 1)) jump = 0;
phys.velocity.y = 0;
return true;
private var jump:Number = 0;
private var anim:Spritemap;
private var phys:Physics;
This is how I do it. It even allows for sloped tiles (In the form of pixelmasks), and variable height jumping (think mario)! Physics is just a tween with a FlashPunk-ified version of the flixel physics.