Cheers mate! My highscore is about 30, but I did make it after all. A friend of mine got to 76. I have no idea how.
Anyway, for the fade-in of certain objects (like the tooltip of “press up to flap”, or the fade-to-black transition), I set the initial alpha (spritename.alpha) of the entity’s sprite to 0, and when the object needed to be visible, I increased this value by a small amount each frame (such as 0.1), up to the maximum value of 1.
As for the score panel sliding from the right, it starts positioned just off screen, and when the player dies it begins to move to the left, until it reaches the middle. If it goes past the middle, it is repositioned.
Take a look at the source for a bit more detail, it’s not the most readable code in the world, though.