Couldn’t find much tutorials or samples on the tween classes except for ZachLewis’s videos, Tween Request, so I might as well share some snippets that make sense to me
Maybe I could try explains Tween & Tweener once I can get the hang of it or anyone willing, do feel free to post!
VarTween: Tweens a numeric public property of an Object
varTween = new VarTween();
varTween.tween([entity], "y", 300, 3); //object, property:String, to:Number, duration, ease = null
addTween(varTween, true);
MultiVarTween: Tweens multiple numeric public properties of an Object simultaneously
mvTween = new MultiVarTween();
mvTween.tween([entity], { x:60, y:100, alpha:0.}, 3); //object, values, duration, ease = null)
addTween(mvTween, true);
ColorTween: Tweens a color’s red, green, and blue properties independently. Can also tween an alpha value
colorTween = new ColorTween();
colorTween.tween(5, 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 1, 0.8); //duration, fromColor, toColor, fromAlpha, toAlpha, ease = null
addTween(colorTween, true);
(update) [entity].IMAGE.color = colorTween.color;
NumTween: Tweens a numeric value.
numTween = new NumTween();
numTween.tween(50, 1000, 8); //fromValue, toValue, duration, ease = null
addTween(numTween, true);
(update) trace(numTween.value);
AngleTween: Tweens from one angle to another.
angleTween = new AngleTween();
angleTween.tween(270, 0, 3); //fromAngle, toAngle, duration, ease = null
addTween(angleTween, true);
(update) [entity].IMAGE.angle = angleTween.angle;