[SOLVED] Make a random red point appear on a map [help] (11)
Change all platform objects to on/off [Solved] [help] (13)
What do I import for world.getClass() [Solved] [help] (11)
How to refund entities in the new world? [help] (2)
Nodelayer: Path Editing Tool [creations] (4)
[SOLVED] SetAlpha produces a null reference error? (Emitter) [help] (3)
Getting text to display when next to door [Solved] [help] (19)
Can you use entities without graphics? [Solved] [help] (5)
A more efficient method of creating a laser [help] (9)
Accessing spritemap source ogmo to constructor [Solved] [help] (3)
Number vs int for x, y position in world [Solved] [help] (3)
Class not going static but others are [Solved] [help] (9)
Bug Help Please [help] (5)
Dragonbones and GraphicList [help] (1)
Timed events writer [help] (9)
Round and triangle hitboxes? [help] (9)
getType not working everytime [help] (3)
Memory Leak Switching Worlds [help] (1)
Subby and the Fishes [feedback] (8)
Galactic Lords - Sponsored by Armor Games :D yay! [games] (4)
Access of undefined property/method [Solved] [help] (8)
Check Collisions For Multiple Objects [help] (3)
Adding a link into the game[Solved] [help] (6)
A Pendulum With FlashPunk [help] (11)
4 Direction Movement [help] (2)
Handling Multiple Objects [help] (9)
Duplicate entity when added to world [help] (6)
Reloading same game? [SOLVED] [help] (3)
Physic Engine For Flash Punk [help] (3)
Animation advice? [SOLVED] [help] (7)