Zooming around a point

(Ionut) #1

Hi guys. I am having some trouble with zooming. Here is what is actually happening.

http://imgur.com/GAIaeH1” - it seems as a new user I can’t actually post the picture, you’ll need to check it out.

I am changing the scale of the screen and centering around the player (the orange box) but I have to idea on how to also render the empty space.

Cheers, Zapparo.

(Mike Evmm) #2

Hey there, welcome!
Sorry if I’m being thick, but what empty space?

(Ionut) #3

Hi. I am talking about the gray space on the left and top. I want to render what behind the player and above.

I kinda get it that I have to change the fp.camera position to take into account for the scene changing scale (in that picture the fp.scale is about .65, that’s why the nape debug layer looks like that) so the rendering isn’t done from the old fp.camera where the zooming started … but I am not quite there yet.

I just scaled the screen and center it around the player position, but since the old screen was rendering from the corner I don’t have anything to show that technically was behind the camera.

By the way sorry for my bad english :stuck_out_tongue: