I actually didn’t understand your problem. If you set an empty world to FP.World it won’t render anything. If it’s not empty, then the problem could be in that TutorialLevel class.
PD: And i actually anwered your problem in the first line
I’m here to help and i’m sorry if this offended you but i have to talk, and try to help you, without a deep knowlage of the case. Next time show some.
I recomended (and it’s only a recomendation, i don’t know your case enough) you to follow (and not only read) a tutorial that makes an easy game wich have everything you’ll need (but to be effective you have to understand what are you doing).
You can also, if you like to do this kind of things, look at the FlashPunk code to see how it exactly works.
PD2: You can actually use ``` actionscript and closing it with ``` to put code. This will be preattier and easier to understand.