What does it mean?

(sunny94) #1

Unable to start java.exe: 系统找不到指定的文件。 Could not compile because the fcsh process could not be started. Build halted with errors (fcsh). INITIALIZING: Failed, unable to run compiler Done(1)

(TaylorAnderson) #2

That title DEFINITELY needs to be more specific. I have no idea what the problem is

(Mike Evmm) #3

(“系统找不到指定的文件” = “System can not find the file specified”) (just so you don’t have to go to Google Translate)

(David Williams) #4

You need to install java for the compiler to work.

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(Ultima2876) #5

Preferably the 32 bit version so that debugging works properly (though FlashDevelop’s developers may have fixed that particular issue by now).

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