What are the bills for making a commercial game with this if that’s even possible and what the terms are.
What are the bills for making a commercial game (SOLVED)
hm, i dont want to think about this questions because i think nearly every game that is made out of commercial puproses sucks. but on the other hand i read this and i dont want to keep you alone with the question. there are tons of things you got to think about - food, insurances, an atelier and stuff, maybe comrades that help you on graphics or code or both. i really depends on what kind of game you want to work on (small android puzzle or huge mmorpg). the known spectrum of possibilites is nearly endless. but i understood the flashpunk halls here for questions regarding gamedevelopment especially for code in flashpunk. maybe i’m wrong since im quite new to here but i think you should google for it since there are tons of information out there
Oh I understand where you are coming from, and believe me I wouldn’t ask such a seemingly shallow question unless I could find the info somewhere else. And the project isn’t made “for commercial purposes” its made because I love making games, and if I want to continue making games then I need the best tools and the ability to put food on the table.
Sorry if i sounded too harsh. i guess i wanted it a bit but now im feeling sorry for. you are right, if you want to make games like most of your time you need to make money with it. a lot of people working halftime at some place and doing gamedev in the after hours instead of watching superbowl. if you already made games you maybe got reviews for it or kind of replies of the gamers. maybe thats a first hint. to know what you need is pretty easy. just look at your daily life. do you have family? do you need special food cause of celiac desease? ask yourself what you need. think a little of the future of getting enough money with the first commercial game maybe to develop another game independently. maybe are here a few develops that already made money out of their games. for me its right now a ideational thing and i think when somebody likes my games they will give me maybe something for it. and thats cool. if you have a brilliant idea for a game people maybe would like to see you working fulltime on that idea (kickstarter) or on another game that maybe is equally brilliant as your last (:
Are you asking what expenses are involved in making games?
Well it depends really, as it varies from project to project (and studio to studio) - employees need to be paid, software must be bought/renewed, and new hardware must be purchased (computers and mobile phones for testing).
From my experience at work, we only have to worry about getting ourselves paid on a regular basis as we use mostly all free/open source tools.
@chris @SHiLLySiT I’ve thought these things through, but what I mean was is the software, flash punk and flash develop free to make games that can be sold? Is there some sort of license fee when using this software, could I make a great game with this and put it on steam or another platform? That’s what I meant not the overall costs of being an indie developer.
Ah, that makes more sense. FlashDevelop and FlashPunk are free to use for commercial purposes.
For reference, FlashPunks license text file:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so
I’d simply credit FlashPunk so that other people know what awesome engine was used to make your game.
Credit is optional but there are some logos available to use if you do want to support the community and engine
However… I can’t find them! Anybody know what happened to the logos?!
I’d love to credit and put in some bannners/logos, just link them and I’ll put them in there
Good thing I’m a digital pack rat. Here’s the old splash screen…not sure who to credit for it. I think it was @Noel ? Or it might have even been the one that Chevy supplied.
flashpunk_splash.zip (13.1 KB)
Yeah, I read the first five posts and still have no clue what those guys were talking about.