Using text in particle emitters?

(Sheldon) #1

So I’m trying to have a particle effect where the damage done by the player floats above the player when they do damage (think like RPG battles). The problem is, FP emitters require embedded bitmap to use as the particle image. Has anyone done something like this before with emitters, or am I going to have to create a workaround?

(Ultima2876) #2

That isn’t really what emitters are for. You’d be better using an Entity with a Spritemap for that, then having your numbers stored in the Spritemap (eg frame 0 shows 0, frame 1 shows 1 etc). If you want to display multiple numbers, either use a graphiclist or just create multiple entities (eg if you want to display 9122, create 4 entities setting the digits to ‘9’, ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘2’ respectively).

(Draknek) #3

Or, even more conveniently: just using an Entity with a Text graphic.

(Ultima2876) #4

Absolutely true, though you can’t stylise that text as much as you can with sprites!

(Bimbamm) #5

I ve done this via an Entity and to save memory you recycle said Entity. package { import net.flashpunk.Entity; import;

 * ...
 * @author Bimbamm
public class E extends Entity 
	private var damageText:Text	
	private var speed:Number = 2; //
	public function E() 
	damageText = new Text (Vars.damage + ""); // set params of text: color,size,font
	graphic = text;
	override public function update():void		
		text.alpha -= 0.02; // text is fading
		y -= speed;			// text is moving up
		speed -= 0.05;
		if (text.alpha <= 0)
				world.recycle(this); // entity is recycled
	public function init(x:int,y:int):void
                     // update text in case damage varies
		damageText.text = (Vars.damage + "");
		speed = 2;							
                     // reset speed to 2
		text.alpha = 1;					      
                   // and reset alpha of the text 
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;


To store the damage i have created another Class called Vars:

 public class Vars  
     // misc 		
        public static var dmager:Number = 0;

In your World you call the init function of E:

you can either use


or ( as E).init(100,100); to display the damage. I have no idea what the difference between the two is. I would be glad if someone else could explain it. hope it helps.