Hi everyone, I encountered a an issue with my animation. The problem is it is not playing. To figure out what the cause is I created a completely new project and used the same code and to my surprise it was working. The next step was to look for defective code. I commented every single function out one by one and came to the conclusion that my update function is the cause. So I continued to comment out the update function line by line until nothing was left but the animation was still not playing. I removed the update function completely and voila it was working.
The animation code is very simple:
var tvAni:Spritemap = new Spritemap(Assets.SCREEN, 640, 360);
tvAni.add("play", [0, 1], 9, true);
TVent = new Entity;
TVent.layer = 1;
TVent.graphic = tvAni;
and adding
override public function update():void
was enough from preventing the animation to play. I have done animation successfully on other projects with update functions and there was no such issue. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.