Hey guys I am here again! So I am trying to get a scrolling backdrop in my game and I have this class set up all good and such… but I keep getting an error that sounds both unusual and oddly familiar… any thoughts?
Error is this, “col:29 Error: Method marked override must override another method.”
here is the whole class:
package entities {
import net.flashpunk.FP;
import net.flashpunk.graphics.Backdrop;
import net.flashpunk.graphics.Image;
public class theBackground
[Embed(source = '../assets/background.png')]
public static const BACKGROUND:Class;
public function theBackground()
graphic = new Backdrop(BACKGROUND);
graphic.scrollX = .5;
graphic.scrollY = .5;
layer = 100;
override public function update():void
x -= FP.elapsed * 20;
y -= FP.elapsed * 10;