Testbed Environment Requirements

(Zachary Lewis) #1

Continuing the discussion from Handling off screen entities:

It would be painless enough to create a FlashPunk testbed. What types of tests would be desirable? Off the top of my head, here are some thoughts.

  • Large number of same Graphic onscreen
  • Large number of different Graphic onscreen
  • Large number of same Graphic extending offscreen
  • Large number of different Graphic extending offscreen
  • Very large Graphic
  • Simple collision between many objects extending offscreen
  • Very complex collision between two objects onscreen
  • Very complex collision between many objects onscreen
  • Very complex collision between many objects extending offscreen
  • Large number of same Entity that don’t need to update offscreen
  • Large number of same Entity that do need to update offscreen
  • Single Emitter with large number of particles
  • Multiple Emitter particles

Do you see any redundancies or omissions?

(azrafe7) #2

Yeah, all of the thing you listed are the things I wish to see in a testbed (a graphic one because in this case a unit test seems dificult to code from my point of view).


  • Have you tried to play Chevy’s Papillon (from some time ago - built in a couple of days but with its problems)
  • Have you noticed the mem spike up when changing rooms
  • Grids/Tilemaps checking for collisions and rendering outside screen bounds
  • Masks/Graphics/Entities with non-standard origin

And then there are some things I’m not quite satisfied about, like having to write four lines of cryptic code to use a MotionTween, but that’s debatable and not regarding performance.

EDIT: To sum up… let’s discuss and move towards the next major version of FP (as is been discussed in some other thread).