Streamlining level creation!

(Nate ) #1

Hey guys! I have my core game set up, all the tiles that I will be using, characters, enemies, pick ups, extra scenery fluff, etc. My physics are in order for the most part, my water system is slightly lacking but it isn’t something that I can’t fix in the future.

For now, well the title of this thread says it all! I am looking into a much less physically demanding (I mean demanding on me, the creator) approach to getting the levels created. I know I have a seen a few things here and there for accomplishing this, but was wondering if someone with experience can point me in the right direction.

I have developed other games in the past for android but these typically were small enough where I was able to create levels manually, and honestly my latest title on the PlayStore was the opposite, I hard coded somewhere around 70 different unique levels for the game D: It was a nightmare! But the end product wasn’t too shabby!

enter link description here

(Ultima2876) #2

If it’s tile-based, go for Ogmo Editor. If it’s not tile-based, go for Gleed2D. :slight_smile:

(Nate ) #3

Thanks Ultima! What exactly does tile-based mean? All of my blocks in the game, the walls and ground are 40x40 just so when I set up the test level the for loops creating the level would be all very similar and everything would snap into place.

(Jacob Albano) #4

I’ve never heard of Glee2D. It looks quite interesting though. Ogmo’s entity editing can be a little dodgy and this looks quite nice.

(rostok) #5

I love and recommend gleed2d. It is really worth checking out. True that it has no support for tile-based stuff yet I find it quite a versatile tool. Note that it has snapping to grid fucntion that with some effort can be used for tile setting.

Check out as well. It has some magic thing like rules that can adjust your tiles based on predefined guidelines.