Hi, I’m reasonably new to Flash Punk I’m trying to create a co-op game where two players have to kill one another.
Now I’m slowly getting there however now I’ve added the following in:
add(new MyEntity(Math.random()*800, Math.random()*600));
add(new MyEntity2 (Math.random()*800, Math.random()*600));
Because I’m wanting my characters to spawn in random location, this works however I’m now spawning actually within my collision, and obviously I can not mover out of it any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You can see what I mean for yourself at the link bellow,
Player 1: Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow Shoot: M
Player 2: W, S, A, D Shoot: X
(By the way images, currently used are placeholders ONLY!)
Thanks M