Source control relative paths?

(Ethan Lamitie) #1

So the context behind this is that I’m working on a school project that in this case requires two programmers, and I’m having trouble setting up the project so that both of us can pull and push to the repository, but I’m finding it extremely hard to attempt to set up Flex so that it’s relative to the programmer. I’m sure people have done this in the past and was wondering if someone could help shed some light on this for me. Getting FlashPunk to be relative was a non-issue however.

(Jacob Albano) #2

Flex should be installed on your computer, not your repository. It’s basically the whole build pipeline; you can’t move that around. Have your other programmer install the Flex SDK before pulling your project.

(Zachary Lewis) #3

You should both have your own global paths to the SDK set in FlashDevelop. Make sure to use the global paths and don’t set any target SDKs in the .as3proj file that you’re checking in.