Hey guys! As part of my small side project game I would like to have soldiers spawn and wander around and then fire at the player. This is what I have so far, and it SEEMS to be working for the most part.
Some issues I am having currently is, bullets sometimes don’t move from the soldiers gun. If the soldier shoots to the left, then the player runs the right and the soldier shoots to the right, the previously left traveling bullet changes its course of direction to the right… lol I am sure this is because I am not instancing correctly. Here is the soldier update code:
override public function update():void
hFriction = 0.9;
vFriction = 0.9;
stopped = false;
if (stopped == false)
// ammo = 2;
b += FP.elapsed;
if ( b >= 5)
a = FP.rand(4);
b -= 5;
//soldier will pick up down left or right
if (a == 1)//up
direction = 1;
if (a == 2)//down
direction = 2;
if (a == 0)//left
direction = 3;
if (a == 3)//right
direction = 4;
trace("the value of a: " + a);
trace("the value of b: " + b);
//checks if the zombie is located within range
for (var i:int = 0; i < 250; i ++)
if (collide("zombie", x + i, y))//zombie is to the right of the soldier
b = 0;
direction = 4;
for (var j:int = 0; j < 250; j ++)
if (collide("zombie", x - j, y))//zombie is to the left of the soldier
b = 0;
direction = 3;
for (var k:int = 0; k < 250; k ++)
if (collide("zombie", x , y + k))//zombie is beneath the soldier
b = 0;
direction = 2;
for (var l:int = 0; l < 250; l ++)
if (collide("zombie", x , y - l))//zombie is beneath the soldier
b = 0;
direction = 1;
if (direction == 1)
ySpeed -= power;
if (direction == 2)
ySpeed += power;
if (direction == 3)
xSpeed -= power;
if (direction == 4)
xSpeed += power;
if (collide("zombie", x - 50, y))
stopped = true;
if (collide("zombie", x + 50, y))
stopped = true;
if (collide("zombie", x , y + 50))
stopped = true;
if (collide("zombie", x , y - 50))
stopped = true;
if (stopped == true)
xSpeed = 0;
ySpeed = 0;
//shoot code
if (direction == 1 && stopped == true && ammo > 1)
shootDirection = 3;
ammo --;
world.add(new bullet(x, y));
if (direction == 2 && stopped == true && ammo > 1)
shootDirection = 4;
ammo --;
world.add(new bullet(x, y));
if (direction == 3 && stopped == true && ammo > 1)
shootDirection = 1;
ammo --;
world.add(new bullet(x, y));
if (direction == 4 && stopped == true && ammo > 1)
shootDirection = 2;
ammo --;
world.add(new bullet(x, y));
//end of shoot code
trace("ammo: " + ammo);
// if (Math.abs(xSpeed) < 1)
// {
// xSpeed=0;
// }
xSpeed *= hFriction;
ySpeed *= vFriction;
moveBy(xSpeed, ySpeed, ["level","zombie","soldier"]);//
//end of the update function
This is my bullet update method:
override public function update():void
//shoot left
if (theSoldier.shootDirection == 1)
xSpeed -= power;
//shoot right
if (theSoldier.shootDirection == 2)
xSpeed += power;
//shoot up
if (theSoldier.shootDirection == 3)
ySpeed -= power;
//shoot down
if (theSoldier.shootDirection == 4)
ySpeed += power;
trace("direction: " + theSoldier.shootDirection);
if (collide("level", x, y - 1) || collide("level", x + 1, y) || collide("level", x -1, y) || collide("level", x, y + 1))
xSpeed *= hFriction;
ySpeed *= vFriction;
moveBy(xSpeed, ySpeed, ["level", "zombie", "soldier"]);
Thanks guys! I have never coded any type of AI before so this is probably pretty nooby looking! I am interested in any and all feedback!
Thanks again!