[SOLVED] Switching graphic in Backdrop

(Bartłomiej Kalemba) #1

Hi! I use Backdrop to my “moving” background. Now I want to switch graphic in Backdrop in specific situation (for example pressed Key). Is there any way to to this in simple way or I have to add new Backdrop with new graphic?

(Ultima2876) #2

You could do it with a graphiclist:

private var _backdrop1: Backdrop;
private var _backdrop2: Backdrop;
private var _graphicList: Graphiclist;

public override function added(): void
  _backdrop1 = new Backdrop(GFX_BACKDROP_1);
  _backdrop2 = new Backdrop(GFX_BACKDROP_2);
  _graphicList = new Graphiclist(_backdrop1, _backdrop2);

  _backdrop1.visible = true; //backdrop1 is initially visible
  _backdrop2.visible = false; //invisible while backdrop1 is visible

  graphic = _graphicList;

public function switchBackdrop(): void
  //toggle backdrop display
  _backdrop1.visible = !_backdrop1.visible;
  _backdrop2.visible = !_backdrop2.visible;

(Bartłomiej Kalemba) #3

So, my way was similar, but I use Your code, Thanks!

(Ultima2876) #4

The main advantage to using a Graphiclist in this was is that the backdrops are only allocated once at the beginning rather than a new one each time you change. Thinking about it though, the Graphiclist isn’t actually necessary;

private var _backdrop1: Backdrop;
private var _backdrop2: Backdrop;

public override function added(): void

  _backdrop1 = new Backdrop(GFX_BACKDROP_1);
  _backdrop2 = new Backdrop(GFX_BACKDROP_2);

  graphic = _backdrop1;

public function switchBackdrop(): void
  //toggle backdrop display
  if(graphic == _backdrop1)
    graphic = _backdrop2;
  else graphic = _backdrop1;

(Bartłomiej Kalemba) #5

I must use GraphicList because now, I have more than just only one Backdrop. As You wrote, I observe memory and it isn’t increasy during a lot of swiching, so I think I can set as SOLVED :smile: