[SOLVED] Creating a circular meter with code?

(TaylorAnderson) #21

Oooooo…thats exactly what I wanted! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure which I’ll use. I’ll probably mark this thread as [SOLVED] though, because that is right on the money right there.

(Zachary Lewis) #22

The issue probably stems from the difference in FlashPunk’s drawing and Flash’s native drawing.

With Flash’s Graphics library, drawing is much like moving a pencil on paper. moveTo(x, y) will lift up the pencil and place the tip at another location without drawing. lineTo(x, y) will drag the pencil across the paper, drawing a line from where the pencil previously was to where you specified.

With FlashPunk, the function line(x1, y1, x2, y2) or linePlus(x1, y1, x2, y2) draw a complete line from the point (x1, y1) to the point (x2, y2).

That said, doing either of these methods each frame will impact performance. Since health changes don’t occur very often (once every few hundred frames or so), you’d save performance by redrawing the health bar when the change occurs, save it to a texture, then forget about it until the health changes again. that way, you aren’t running this calculation loop per frame per character.

(TaylorAnderson) #23

How do I save something to a texture?

(Zachary Lewis) #24

It’s as simple as calling myBitmapData.draw(myDisplayObject). If the DisplayObject you want to draw isn’t registered on the top-left corner, this may cut off some of the image. You can use the following function to easily translate it to the proper location and draw it.

(TaylorAnderson) #25

How would I do that if I’m using the Draw functions in Flashpunk?

(azrafe7) #26

Use Draw.setTarget():


(Mike Evmm) #27


Those are some way cool effects. Regarding the trig involved, it’s really just a formula: <br

The formula for points on a circle are:

x = xcenter + radius * sin(theta)
y = ycenter + radius * cos(theta)

You simply have to iterate theta from your starting angle to your ending angle in small enough steps, and extract the x and y values for plotting


That demo looks cool as hell.

(TaylorAnderson) #28

Alright, now that I have this bitmapdata, how do I use it? (forgive me for being so noobish: i’ve never worked with bitmaps before)

(azrafe7) #29

:rainbow: Rainbow bonus :wink:

(azrafe7) #30

Mind to elaborate some more.

What are you trying to do, and what have you tried so far?

(TaylorAnderson) #31

This is my code for the MeterBar (the class that displays the meter).

public function MeterBar(player:Player) 

	this.player = player
	this.layer = 0
	graphic = img

override public function update():void
	this.x = player.x;
	this.y = player.y
	img.render(bitmapData, new Point, new Point)

override public function render():void
	Draw.arcPlus(x + 10, y + 10, 15, 60, player.meter * 18, player.inner.color, 1, true);
	Draw.arcPlus(x + 10, y + 10, 15, 60, player.meter * 18, player.inner.color, 1, true);


basically what i want to do is render the bitmap to an Image, if thats possible, because I want to use it as the entity’s graphic instead of having to redraw it every frame using Draw

(azrafe7) #32

Basically this then right?!


class MeterBar extends Entity {
  var meterBMD:BitmapData;
  var meterImage:Image;
  var player:Player;

  function MeterBar(...) {
    meterBMD = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0); // new transparent BitmapData with correct size
    meterImage = new Image(meterBMD);
    graphic = meterImage;

  override function added() {
    updateMeter(); // update meter graphic when added to world

  function updateMeter() {
    Draw.setTarget(meterBMD); // set target to meterBMD
    Draw.arcPlus(..., player.meter * 18, ...); // draw the meter onto meterBMD
    Draw.resetTarget(); // reset Draw to target the screen instead of meterBMD
    meterImage.updateBuffer(true); // ensure the Image is also updated

  override function update() {
    if (player.meter value has changed) {

That’s the general idea (it’s not actually compilable code, but you should get the gist of it).

(Zachary Lewis) #33

Any child of Graphic can take a BitmapData as a construction argument to create a Graphic. Once you have the BitmapData, you would (like @azrafe7 showed) create an Image from it, then use that Image wherever you’d like.

(TaylorAnderson) #34

Alright cool, I did not know that about Images (and other children of Graphic). I will try this out and report back!

(Zachary Lewis) #35

There may be some confusion caused by the terms I’m using.

Whenever someone talks about a texture, they are talking about a raster image where every pixel is defined with a value. Textures are very static: Every pixel has one and only one value, and you can’t break it down past pixels. A texture can be a wide range of things, such as a .png or a BitmapData, but they provide the same functionality — storing an image in an easily accessible format (making them quick to draw on the screen).

In Flash, the base display object is (unsurprisingly) the DisplayObject. Most of the drawing tools Flash provides draws vectors. A vector is a mathematical representation of a shape, so it is infinitely scalable, but every time it is drawn to the screen, the computer has to calculate what color to draw each pixel. So, if you have a vector circle, the edge won’t be fuzzy or pixelated no matter how much you squish or stretch it, but it will take much longer (in computer-time) to draw, since it will have to calculate every pixel using the mathematical representation of the circle.

The technique I was describing uses the pros of both textures and vectors: Creating a variable shape quickly (vector) and the ability to draw to the screen quickly (texture). Hopefully that clears up some confusion you might encounter.

(TaylorAnderson) #36

I got it (mostly) working, but now it doesn’t seem to update the image…the code is calling the updateMeter function appropriately, I checked, but the image isn’t changing…unsure if its just some bug in my own code though, so I’ll keep looking

EDIT:yeah the meter’s updating, everythings in place, but the image isn’t being updated. my implementation of @azrafe7’s code:

public class MeterBar extends Entity 
	private var player:Player
	public var redraw:Boolean = false;
	private var bitmapData:BitmapData
	private var img:Image
	public function MeterBar(player:Player) 
		bitmapData = new BitmapData(60, 60, true, 0)
		img = new Image(bitmapData)
		this.player = player
		this.layer = 0
		graphic = img
		img.x = -10
		img.y = -10
	override public function added():void
	override public function update():void
		this.x = player.x;
		this.y = player.y
	public function updateMeter():void
		Draw.arcPlus(x + 20, y + 20, 15, 60, player.meter * 18, player.inner.color, 1, true);
		graphic = img

i call updatemeter from player, right after his meter changes. (i put graphic = img at the end of the function to see if that would work, it didnt)

(TaylorAnderson) #37

I suppose I should probably put this in a new post: the image isn’t updating, for some reason. See code above

(azrafe7) #38

Yes, agree with creating a new topic. Also sharing the project (or even better a simpler case with relevant code) would help.

By the way, can you try this (draw the bitmapDatajust onto the screen directly) and report if the meter is correctly shown:

in MeterBar add this:

  override public function render() {
    var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.translate(100, 100); // translate this somewhere where it is visible
    FP.buffer.draw(bitmapData, matrix); // this draws bitmapData on screen at 100, 100

(Mike Evmm) #39

(TaylorAnderson) #40

That doesn’t work either, which makes me think my Draw call isn’t working properly. I’ll take a closer look