School project (still in alpha)

(Tobias Helsing) #1

Hey! i been working on flashpunk game for a school project last weeks and would like to hear allot of criticism whats crap and needs changing! THANX! :grin:

the game:

(rostok) #2

this look really cool! but i get ultra low fps (18 or even 10!) so the game is kind of not responsive enough. don’t know what the problem is but maybe you should consider making some AI code not in every frame but, say, every second or third one. or limit number of updatable entities (you can for example play the sprite animation only once and loop it - no need to update it every frame). anyway i’d love to play the whole game.

BTW crushers didn’t get the zombie taht was following me.

(rostok) #3

ok. i guess it must have been sth with my laptop as today game works flawlessly.

(Willard Torres) #4

It looks nice. A little suggestion though, I think you should make the slash animation more noticeable. With the way he’s moving and the trail lines, its a bit hard to discern whether he’s actually slashing or not. Just my two cents.

(Rick) #5

My recommendation would be to shrink down the hitbox of the character and place it at the characters feet. The way it is now makes it a bit of a pain to walk around because I’m forced to stop, not realizing that I’m actually technically running into a spike on the ground or that my feet are technically touching the spike gate.

Also, attacking while shielding ignores the attack animation.

I’m also not sure how I feel about the shield draining energy. After running out of energy, you’re forced to run because you can’t attack either. It doesn’t feel like something a knight would do!

It’s a really cool idea, though. Good luck with it! :slight_smile: